Gaming Conventions

Welcome to the Gaming Conventions section of my website! Here, you'll find a collection of videos and experiences from various gaming conventions I've had the pleasure of attending. From the excitement of PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) events to the unforgettable moments at Minecon 2013, this section is dedicated to sharing the vibrant atmosphere and unique experiences of these gatherings.

Gaming conventions are a fantastic way to connect with the community, discover new games, and immerse oneself in the world of gaming. Whether it's exploring the expo halls, attending panels, or meeting fellow gamers, each event is a new adventure. Join me as I take you through the highlights and memorable moments of these gaming conventions, offering a glimpse into the heart of the gaming world.

Minecon 2013 - Mindcrack Party

Minecon 2013 - Mindcrack Party

During my trip to Minecon 2013 I attended the second half of the Mindcrack Party. I already had my plane tickets booked before the day/time of the party was announced so I went straight from the airport to the party. I guess Dinnerbone and many others were there earlier in the night but I, unfortunately, missed them. I had a lot of fun at the party. Got to chat with the guys a bit. Thanks Guude for putting on a great party!